Bolt design outdoor concert stage truss
Bolt design outdoor concert stage truss
Project: tower truss system; with flat roof; with triangle roof; with pentroof;
with two wings; with portable stage; with tent….etc.You can hang LED, lighting,
tent, sound, LED screen and banner on the truss, suitable for displays, exhibitons,
show, concert, performance, events, etc., finish in a snap, very strong, convenient
for set up and transportation.

If you need more information, please feel free to email me at
Project: tower truss system; with flat roof; with triangle roof; with pentroof;
with two wings; with portable stage; with tent….etc.You can hang LED, lighting,
tent, sound, LED screen and banner on the truss, suitable for displays, exhibitons,
show, concert, performance, events, etc., finish in a snap, very strong, convenient
for set up and transportation.

If you need more information, please feel free to email me at