Scrim Tower Lights on Stage
Mitchel Flynn from The Crossing in Keokuk, Iowa brings us this stage design with scrim
and pallets.
They took white scrim from one of their other campuses and hung it and used 6 LEDs
to light it. Then they made 4 pallet columns that were donated to the church. Two of
them were 4 pallets high and the others are 3 pallets high. They then took 8 bulb pulls
that they had used for a previous set and put them on top of the columns with LEDs.
Do you like this stage?

portable stage, concert stage
If you interested pls feel free to contact or
visit our alibaba website:
and pallets.
They took white scrim from one of their other campuses and hung it and used 6 LEDs
to light it. Then they made 4 pallet columns that were donated to the church. Two of
them were 4 pallets high and the others are 3 pallets high. They then took 8 bulb pulls
that they had used for a previous set and put them on top of the columns with LEDs.
Do you like this stage?

portable stage, concert stage
If you interested pls feel free to contact or
visit our alibaba website:
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