Special Accessories - Double Crossbar Hanger/Shelf Hanger

Time:Sat,05,2018 Editor:Robin
Hello Everyone, this is Robin here, I’m glad to introduce some special accessories which will be used on pipe and drape system, to make different effect.

The first one we call it as In-Tube Crossbar Hanger, it’s used to make a double drapes effect as below.

RK pipe and drape
And the second, we call it as Shelf Hanger, it’s used on the crossbar, so we can add one more crossbar in the middle of the whole system.

RK pipe and drape
And the third, we call it as Permanent Install Hook, you may nail it on a wall for hanging one crossbar with drapes but without using uprights.
RK pipe and drape

Please feel free to contact me for any requirement!